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Why we live alone?
Lots of cause coming in our life that can change hole life rapidly because human being are so emotional. i would explain one example from my life.
During my teen age i was fall in love with one girl but that time my age was not perfect to marry my lover. Hole entire family and my lover family to was opposite to marry this early age. I was shocked that time and i could not tell my untold story to anybody and i was feel sadness even i tried to kill myself but i could not. Slowly slowly i  loved with alcohol and everyday i  was drinking and decided i will live in my room alone. I could not lots of conversation with my family because always my mind was full of sadness with emotion of love. That time was my critical time in my life and i could not stay long time in my class lesson so my result was so upset and my family too. This is pure example how come living alone in our life.

So everybody has past bad feeling that can grasp you the next future. So this is so bad things have to change to be happy. Try to share your feeling with close friends even your father and mother. Family member is most close of your life and they can help you without benefit but some friends are selfish and they are always to discourage you to be curable your sadness.  

living alone is most part to be sadness
without friend we are not so happy. Happiness is depends on how you move your next day positively. Lots of people are not happy in entire world but some painful moment we can recover by our self to change our activity. Try to talk new people and new friends to make happy and share your life desire and future plan and share past experience too. Love is most powerful part in human being to be happy so love at least one person who would be your extra tram card to tell story of your entire life. Happy is always respectable in our life who ignore love he or she never be happy but it depends on your mind. So try to  share all feeling with friends and close one to be happy and live alone but touch with friends and invite your home and go outside with them to make happy life.

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