Love is most important part in our life to be happy but what type of love needs to be happy?. Some love have different color and different meaning but basically love means to make peach and happy life with life partner or lover but love actually what you love in entire life especially during living life. So different people have different ambition and different desire to be happy in our life. Some people love to work, some people love money, some love family , some love lover etc. Desire to make love what do you want in your entire life that is love. So do that things that you love and do make happy but some problem will come to your life and make you unhappy. Some bad past experience and past moment where you are stuck and can not overcome that frustration that is one type of disease in our life so , try to avoid such type of feelings or moment that come to your mind to feel better but it is not easy task to avoid past feelings so try to control and do practice how overcome bad feelings in entire life , be strong to be happy, make new friend and make new work that you truly love so hope you feel better in your

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