We are human go to outside and go to meet new people or relative to be happy or to help each other. Some meeting with people who are surrounded us very rational to change our emotion in certain time. Example,you are sitting one restaurant and you see one of your oldest friend come to you and ask you how are and ask more about your present life even your married life. At this moment, if you are feel embarrassing to talk about your married life because your married life so hell in your life and that moment is so frustration when you are talking with your oldest friend.Lots of part that is so boring if we talk in open field even some rational conversation about country or political or running object that could be feel frustration in any field. Scientifically, we are all listening about lots of subjects in every day that could be better feel or ambitious topics but some topic basically could be very frustration any time anywhere so try to avoid that topic could be harassment for you and try to give answer good quality way or diplomatic way when conversation going on in everyday life. We would be very happy if we take some action in our life that is really good in our life. Avoiding bad habit and bad plan or bad work you could be very happy person. Changing personal mental thinking you could be very happy and smart person in our society where lots of people lots of opinion that is not be same what your idea actually so try to avoid that person who are not same as you like that idea . So, rational behavior are so dangerous for everyone. we have to learn how we can avoid violation or how we answer diplomatically during conversation with friends or family or society but some diplomatic answer can cause to be frustration too because diplomatic answer always support lie speech so this type of answer so rational to be frustration. So, you can not be avoid perfectly human behavior that is the main reason of sometime feel frustration. The best way make good friends and make good behavior and avoid to blame to opposite person who are talking with you.

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