Have you ever meet with traffic jam long time ?. how about your country traffic life?. i have experience with traffic jam long time and it was in dhaka, Bangladesh. I was traveled Bangladesh the reason of business and i was visited lots of city of Bangladesh but Dhaka was most dangerous traffic jam city in the world and my travel experience was horrible. One day , i forget the day name , i visited dhaka to see cultural event and to do shopping, the time was exactly 11 am at day. when i moved with my guide from malibag,call local location name of one place, to gulistan was so traffic jam because of lots of meeting of democratic party on the road and huge crowded that time on the road. i was stuck at least one hour in one place that was so disgusting in my life how this country people spending losing time and money by traffic jam but it was so hot day to but my ac car was full of ac and i had seen lots of people passing by foot leaving their rent car or taxi because of traffic jam. So dangerous and so disgusting life that i never had face before. I think lots of people are agree with me such type of situation and you feel unhappy such type of moment. After one hour traffic jam finished and i moved from malibag to kakrail and that time again i stuck by traffic jam. i am so unhappy to remember that moment because i need time save for various meeting with client but i could not complete my working procedure because of traffic jam and when i left Bangladesh and i wished never would happen such type of situation in my life. but i can not avoid traffic jam because lots of business reason i travel lots of country and i faced lots of bad situation.

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