If i write in my hole life about frustration, it would not be finished the cause of human frustration but some basic frustration come to our mind that is really harmful for our career and success. In our office time we feel frustration because of over work of everyday and one of the main frustration about our lower salary that is not enough to survive better in the earth. Money is the most important part that everybody needs to be survive very well in our planet. When you are thinking about money, you may feel lots of frustration how you earn more money to be happy but happy is not link up with money because in ancient period money was not discovered but they were happy more than present life. Human expectation and busy life may one of the main reason to be feel frustrated. Changing mind and making friends you could reduce your frustration very easily.
We are not totally out of control. Human being like freedom to be happy but sometime it is not possible actually because rolls and regulation must need for human being to do work from home to office gradually stability and make sustain working place where your freedoms not included to make good working behavior. That is why some people think that they are feel frustrated in everywhere but you have to think that your thinking is it logically well or the rolls have been made that is right.
When you go vacation or you stay with conversation with your friends or family , you may feel better because you can express your opinion to others and you can accepted by them. This is one of the main plus point when you stay with your friends and family to be feel better but when you go in office, the boss ordered you to do more extra work and to fill up targeted but that time you are totally broke up by your boss and you are totally frustrated. This come because you are bound of rolls and regulation. That time you have to think that you are in rolls so do not feel frustrated about your working condition but try to think you must feel rolls and do more work to gift for boss. That is one of the process to feel better during working hours.
Hope, you are happy what is rolls and what is freedoms of yours by thinking and changing mind.