Everyday is not same when you would like to be happy but some people too much happy after finished work and come back home and stay with family but everyday is not same when one or several days come to hell your life because every time is not possible to be happy this is universal truth.
So , do not think such type of that you are alone or you are feeling problem only one in the world. Lots of people everyday going to feel like you who have more serious problem than you and they really looking new day where damage mind never come and recover all frustration.
By reading book or you can join how to feel happy such type of community or you can talk your best friend where some time you make lough that is too easy to reduce your stress how to be feel happy but in night time you may can not go outside , this situation you listen music or search online where find some unforgettable story that can give you pleasure in your life to be happy because books is one type of friend that never heart you but give you lots more than real life friends.
This is some technique that may help you to reduce some stress that you are feeling now.