Mysterious about women commonly speech from men but why women so mysterious person do we know?. Lots of reason come here because women naturally very soft minded and conservative minded that is one of the best cause to me mysterious. Men can not control women normally because lots of reason has come to over in women mind that is not realistic or they may be like to see more dream where mentality is very emotional than men
Women like to wear new cloths , ornaments, money, sex etc but this list is so long than men because men always earning money but women is not such where difference is must but women work in home that is so different from men
Women has lots of ability to adjust with pain but men may be not too much type and not too much emotional.
Naturally women want love , sex, child,money,car,house, but when they got all they looking new one what is not necessary to make happy that is mysterious we can say because you have all but you are looking more why because you do not about yourself properly and you can not utilize your time properly in your life.
Making fun and making logical work mysterious women can be logical and natural human but you can not control women because even God does not know how to control women very welll