Frustration is most dangerous in our life that can not avoid in daily basis. From home to office all place we are facing lots of trouble and lots of pain by many ways.Now talking how career can effect our daily life?. Some of the main reason to be unhappy in office life is unexpected work,boss problem, over work, night shift,choice of working hour lots of reason come every day in our life that reason of frustration life but we have to choose cleverly our career at the began stage. Some work we do not want but we are doing because of money problem and money is most important part to be unhappy in our career because some working salary is too short to live properly and bearing our family and kids school expenses. So, that is the main reason we choose more power salary job or we choose over shift work to get more salary. So, frustration come everyday life and every moment even boss feel frustrated when more working stress come to do work perfectly in their business or in their working part. So, any time any way stress to work can come and you have to alert to protect this stress to save your job and to feel better. you can sing song ,no loudly, during your working stress and you can try to forget what the main reason to be unhappy or to be frustrated. Most of the people can not control working stress and feel angry and leave the job or go to home and do quarrel with family member or go to bar to drink lots of alcohol that is bad and can not solve the problem what do want.This come actually general labor who have below salary that they expected to be life lead in their life. So, it is very bad and bad habit during to working time feeling stress and feeling angry that work is not shoot for them. changing working hour or work can may feel better some of them but every place have different job pain so do the find main reason why you are feel angry and how i solve it may you can talk your boss about your problem if your boss can not do solve this matter then try to conversation with friends or family that can be better for you. Over working activities may cause of frustration too so make perfect sleep after work and make fun with family and go to vacation with family or lover to be feel good and sometime join party with friends to be removed stress of working activities.