human being are social animal and one of the greatest speech in the world. we can not avoid social activities and friends. Most of the time we can communicate in our daily life with our friends and family the reason of general life but some time we stuck in lonely life that is dangerous for our mental health and body also. We have to know how loneliness come and why come?. Many scientist believe that some of the reason or some of the surprised activities that can change our mind that we live regular life normal way ,let me explain details little bit about how come loneliness , example , suddenly, your boy friend or girl friend left you and you are now very disappointed about this matter and thinking nothing to do in your life and stuck home lonely in your living room and listening music or remembering past activities that happened with your lover. So, lots of different reason can cause to be lonely and can stay away you from the society of normal life. Remember some of the pain time may be you can find one of the reason that can give you pain or that activities that happened in your life where you can not control by yourself because fate came to you to be happened such type of situation.Let me example another, one boy loved one girl very hardly but he did not know that one of the close friend sexed with that boys girlfriend now present time she is the friend of that boy. one day the boy know that matter of fact and he was so upset about that matter because the girl did not tell the truth that she and his close friend was friend before so this cheating can give lots of pain to that boy hardly and he was so shocked and he decided to leave the girl because of cheating and live alone in his room continuously. After few months his parents knew that that boy going to be mental illness and his body going to very thin before than. So, we have lots of reason to be life loneliness where we are really move in surprise way.
We can avoid such type of loneliness but it is difficult for everyone but best way to go to doctor to take action about your sudden change that really give you lots of pain and that is why you can not communicate normally with your friends and family. So, love you and your action do not think negative that can cause of your pain. Hope you feel good.
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