Some work very satisfied and some work very disgusting for some people. what is the main problem to be frustrated in job duty. Money is not major problem to be unhappy have lots of cause to be frustrated during job hour. Now i explain some of them. over working hour is one of the main reason to be unhappy in job working time.Shifting change in working time also main of the reason to be unhappy because shifting time in work may can hampered your health and mentality what you passed with your family but you can not manage properly time with your family. Money is also main reason to be frustrated to be unhappy because lower salary is most important to be unhappy to maintain and manage their living life and feel unhappy.Sometime boss behavior are main cause to be unhappy to do job and to leave job and to find new job but this can not give you proper solution in your life. Try to find what the exactly the cause to be unhappy in job time and try to find solution also to leave frustration. Many problem happened during to do job such as quarrel with staff, sexual problem, mental pressure,many more. Have to find the best solution as you like if you can not then try to find who have long experience to do job and try to learn from them and feel to leave frustration.