Money is always need to be survive in the earth. But in the past life,money was not and that time products was exchanged for human needs but now the money can exchange all. How we can earn money?. we can earn money by lots of way but cheating is most dangerous part to earn more money without cheating or without force you can not more money in the world that we may call hijack. Money can give you freedom to but all like home, furniture to even lover but you can not buy happiness with money why because without money you can not be happy and with money you can not be happy if you do not have love that you really want to do in the world. Some people feel happy because they do not have no lots of money and their expectation is not so much and they feel happy. if your ambition is high and you are not happy what you have then you can not feel happy in the world. Happiness is the most part in our life because we earn money to be happy but some job really give you lots of money but your time will be cut from your life while during working time. Money is the most important part to be happy and this is the best for everyone. Your lover leave you when you do not have money, your mom claim you that you are bullshit guy in the world when you can not earn money.So, without money you can not be happy and with lots of money you may can not be happy. Happiness is the mind and how you looking you life and what is your desire and maximum desire may can give you lots of pain to be achieved to make fulfill what do you want.Maximum people are very upset in their life because money. No money no Hanny, if you have more money you are feel pain how you protect your money and how you earn more money but may be you are happy why because you can control others by money but something you can not buy like love, happy, dream, time. so, love what do you really in your life to be feel happy. that is all for you. Thanks.