Money can give you happiness?. No, money can not give you happiness but give you freedom to do anything buying human staff.More money you can earn by proper way but cheating is most effective way to make money , for example syndicating is most popular who are groups doing stock or other work to make more profit in a few time but this is cheating way to make money but if you want more money in short time by doing business is most critical in present world.So, my advice to make good money you must have to be good business or good job to make profit in short time in the world or you have to make money illegal way to make money but this is not good for future because illegal way making money is so dangerous for your happiness but you must need more money then you must have to earn knowledge what products is best to make money in your life. Happy is most important too in our daily life and money can bring both happiness or unhappy life this you can choose what side do you want in your life. Some family happy with little money but suddenly feel if i were more money i would get more freedom but more freedom could not give you all time happy life so, live with more money you would be free and your desire can fulfill by buying exclusive car or house or even new girlfriend. Buying all, after you also would be feel that all is not enough and you need more and one day you would also look where my happy life how i can buy my normal life and that moment you may be feel that money is not in our life but you can not ignore money to be freedom. Some, people do not know why they feel frustration and what actually they want in their life and how they could be better life but it could be more long lasting process to know about you and measurement you.